Violinist / Conductor
Captivating audiences with his performances, his charisma and his amazing virtuosity, Frédéric Moreau is regularly invited to many festivals, in prestigious concert halls around the world and has become one of the most prolific French artists of his generation with over one hundred concerts as soloist each year.
Frédéric Moreau is a laureate of numerous international competitions and started his solo career at the age of eighteen. He is a first prize winner of violin and chamber music, and is a “3ème cycle" graduate of the most selective soloist programme at the French National Conservatory of Music in Paris (Master and PhD). He has studied violin with masters such as Jean Fournier, Michèle Auclair, Régis Pasquier, Tibor Varga, Yehudi Menuhin...
He is musical director and soloist of the prestigious chamber orchestra "Les Violons de France" for whom he has arranged numerous works placing the virtuoso violin centre stage. With his eclectic tastes, Frédéric Moreau has approached all styles of music and brings to life the violin repertoire ranging from baroque to contemporary. In addition, he is a fervent promotor of the music of the most charismatic virtuoso violinist of all time: Niccolò Paganini, whose magic he loves reproduce for the public. Frédéric Moreau is also passionate about chamber music and is a member of the Perpetuo Duo, the Solstice Trio and the Goldoni Quartet. He has played with partners such as Nicholas Angelich, Francois Leleux, Roland Pidoux... His teaching expertise and passion for music are demonstrated by the master-classes he holds around the world.
Frédéric Moreau regularly tours in France, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Italy, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, Ukraine... and performs as soloist with numerous orchestras including the Munich Symphony Orchestra, the Kiev National Philharmonic Orchestra, the Ile de France Philharmonic Orchestra...
He has made numerous recordings, including: Beethoven's violin concerto with the Munich Symphony Orchestra; a disc entitled "Hommage à l'Europe" which was nominated for best classical music recording at the "Victoires de la Musique" in 2000; a "Virtuosity" disc (including works by Paganini, Sarasate, Bazzini, Saint-Saëns...); a disc of Vivaldi's Four Seasons; a violin & harp disc (Duo Perpetuo) with Béatrice Guillermin; a DVD with the "Solstice Trio" (Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov).
Frédéric Moreau has the privilege of playing a 1749 Giovanni Battista Guadagnini violin.
Grow with Music !
Our Programs

君匠音樂國際私立學校提供全面的音樂教育課,樂團訓練以外亦有考試技巧班、大師班、鋼琴合奏課等,並邀請到一批香港及國際著名的音樂教育家及演奏家出任星級導師。星級導師將按照學員的能力分配到相應的班級中,接受良好且具系統的訓練。本校亦會安排一整年樂季各式各樣的演出,學員不只可踏足大會堂的舞台獻技,亦可走進社區如商場、慈善團體、學校等地方接觸普羅大眾,擴闊視野,與民同樂。我們期望透過高質素的全面音樂學習,可以使家長和學生的投入獲得豐盛的回報 ,在音樂路途上發光發熱,同時成為一個出類拔萃的人。
1. 樂團訓練
2. 大師班
3. 舞台演練課
本校定期舉辨免費的舞台演練課供學員參加,學員將在觀眾前作現場表演,負責的資深導師會給予評語及心得,即時授與學員可改進的地方及練習方法,帶給學員成就感。這 些獨奏演出的經驗 有別於樂團演出,更著重個人的自信及能力,更是預備各種考試和比賽的絕佳舞台。
4. 考試及比賽技巧課
5. 模擬考試及年終考試
6. 小組鋼琴伴奏及視唱練耳課